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It is the treatment/repair of birth defects, head and neck defects resulting from firearm/gunshot assaults, traumas or tumour removal surgeries through prostheses.

Cleft palate is a common mouth defect. To repair this birth defect, obturator prosthesis is used to reduce the range of movement necessary to provide adequate closure, and to close defects of the palate that may affect speech production.

Defects of the head and face are characterized by deformed bones and muscles in the face, supraorbital region, missing or partially formed eyes, ears and nose. Such defects are treated using materials that match different shades of the patient's skin, customized to mimic the form that is lost. These prostheses that replace soft tissues are known as craniofacial epithesis.

In some cases, defects of the mouth are accompanied by facial defects/face deformities. To treat patients with such deformities, craniofacial epithesis is also used alongside obturator prostheses, thus improving patients’ living standards.

Patients in maxillofacial/craniofacial prostheses are checked at regular intervals to monitor the changes in soft tissues and the prostheses are renewed as necessary.



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